賽前/ Nadal睽違4年重返女王杯 天價稅金等著他


Rafael Nadal told reporters at Queen’s Club on Monday that his three-year absence from the Aegon Championships had been forced on him by Britain’s punitive tax regime. “I had to stop playing here for a while,” he said, when asked about the rules that allow HMRC to claim a share of athletes’ earnings from their global endorsements.


Once they were taxed on their global earnings in proportion to the number of days they were in the country. Those rules have been slightly relaxed since Nadal’s last visit to Queen’s Club in 2011, so that simply being in the UK does not trigger a tax liability unless you are either performing or training.


But it is still estimated (based on Forbes magazine’s assessment of his annual endorsement earnings at around $30m) if Nadal’s trip to London is still likely to cost him an extra £300,000 in tax compared to what he would have paid at this week’s other ATP event in Halle, Germany.


This cost has presumably been factored in to his appearance fee for this week’s tournament, although such golden handshakes – which can reach £800,000 or more for the biggest-name players – tend to be kept private.


“I think changed a little bit,” said Nadal of the tax situation on Monday. “Still not the ideal situation for us, but is better than a few years ago. I have to say thanks to Halle for what they give me during that years. But is obvious that in Halle I didn’t play well, no? Here, the courts are good.”

Nadal談到稅務問題:「我覺得有改進了,雖然對我們來說還不夠理想,但比前幾年好多了,我得感謝前幾年哈雷的合作,但我打得不怎麼好,no?Here, the courts are good.(最後一句就不翻了,自己感受一下納豆放的冷箭,真心覺得哈雷會封殺他XDDDDD

– Source: telegraph
