

  • 最讓我感動的就是莎娃這一段話了

Q. You were obviously there for the men’s draw. From your perspective, the talk in this room has been about Rafa and sort of his downfall or struggle on clay this year; facing Djokovic in the quarterfinals. How tough is it as a sort of top player to know that you have a match that’s looming, but trying to stay focused on each match ahead of you one at a time?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, it’s actually been quite interesting for me to see and read about the — everyone expects so much of Rafa at this time of the year. You know, an individual loses a few matches, someone that’s won this event, what is it nine times, I believe? You know, to put so many question marks, I almost think it’s a little bit disrespectful. He’s an incredible champion, and he has no reason to be here doing it again, and his will and motivation to keep doing it and to keep proving to himself that he can do it again is pretty remarkable. It’s actually been a little bit sad, because if I was in his shoes I’d be a pretty accomplished and satisfied player. Here he is just grinding away and proving everyone wrong. I think that’s pretty respectful. I don’t think he’s thinking about what’s ahead of him. I think we all — we are all very professional enough to know what’s just ahead of us, and that’s just the first round.



  • 費爸對於之前一直討論的法網加權計分的話題有自己的看法,Djokovic曾說過應該提高Rafa的種子序,而費爸不這麼認為(踩到地雷的是別人當然可以說風涼風XDD)。對於囧豆八強強碰,費爸覺得對Djokovic的影響比較大。

Q. Because of the way the draw worked out, would you be in favor of Rafa being seeded higher, changing the seeding?
ROGER FEDERER: No, not necessarily. Total wrong debate in my opinion. The rankings reflect what happened the last 12 months. Of course if Rafa wouldn’t have been injured, you know, from Wimbledon last year or French Open last year – I don’t remember when he played his last, but – you know, he would be very close to the Top 4. If not in the top 4, maybe No. 1 or 2 in the world. Who knows? So from that standpoint I see the argument, but at the same time I think it was going to be worse for somebody else other than Rafa. I don’t think it was going to be bad for Rafa because he’s looking at defending his title whoever he has to play through. It doesn’t matter who it’s going to affect more that quarterfinal final guy. It’s going to affect Novak more in my opinion in that regard than Rafa really.

  • 費爸談Rafa的法網靈氣

Q. Listen to you. You don’t really think Rafa is less good compared to previous years? Last year we had similar questions. Do you think the situation this year for him is the same? The tournament is now starting. You also mentioned the clay being very different. Yes, the balls are different. Why do you think that this could serve him more than other tournaments do?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think that when it’s a little slower it’s better for him. That way he is even less impressed by big servers. Same thing is true of me. Typically we play more on the baseline. He’s a baseline player. That’s where he’s just really strong both physically, and mentally he knows how to find the right angles, the speed. With five sets he has even more leeway and margin and the confidence that no one else has here at Roland Garros. I think the players are fully aware of this. I think that’s why, you know, this is really serving Rafa. But of course every single time he’s back he has to prove it again. His record is very incredible.

  • 小威對Rafa目前處境的見解…

Q. A lot of the questions that Rafa Nadal has faced here is about his form and his “fallen form" in a sense, but how have you, who has had so much success in your career when you have had dips in form that you haven’t necessarily wanted. How have you faced that adversity, or does it give you more motivation if you’re not doing well to come and try to prove everyone wrong, in a sense?
SERENA WILLIAMS: For me, it definitely is an opportunity to prove everyone wrong. For every reason I like to do that. And also, at the same time, it takes a ton of pressure off you because it’s like, Oh, we might think this person will win and you are kind of in the background more than you would normally be. So every match you win it’s like, Oh, okay, they are still in it. It’s often a good place to be at. You don’t have pressure on you. The media isn’t putting pressure on you and you’re not really putting too much pressure on yourself, sp it’s a good position to be in.

  • 想看Rafa拿下第10冠

Q. Rafa is going for No. 10. What would be a cooler number, 10 or 20?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Wow. Both. I can live with both.

Q. What do you think about 10, just as a concept, at one tournament?
SERENA WILLIAMS: It’s amazing. I mean, in sport, it’s never been done before. I mean, I think Martina Navratilova did 9 at Wimbledon, which is amazing. And then now he has opportunity to do 10 at Roland Garros; nonetheless, just makes it that much more difficult. Honestly, I feel like he can do it. If he doesn’t do it this year, he can do it next year. He’s young enough to have an opportunity to get to that number, and it’s just — I think tennis and for sport in general, it’s iconic. I don’t know if it can be done again.

Q. You just said something that struck me, and that was Rafa being young enough to reach that number.
SERENA WILLIAMS: He’s in his 20s still, right?

  • Murray的發言還是一貫的窩心

Q. You had that big win, and a pretty one-sided win over Rafa, and he’s also lost this year on clay twice. We know his record here: one loss in 10 years. How much do you think it matters in terms of how we assess his level right now what’s happening to him this year when you consider this is a different court, different balls, different environment? Or do you think it does matter that he’s struggled so far on clay by his standards?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, I think it changes things. I think Novak for me goes into a tournament as the favorite now, but, you know, on that court Rafa is, you know, his record is ridiculous. It’s completely possible that he gets out there and feels great, you know, especially if he gets himself into the tournament and wins his first few matches. I mean, he’s going to feel better and better. Yeah, he obviously loves the conditions here, although the courts this week have been extremely slow. You know, if it gets warmer and starts to speed up, I think obviously he loves the conditions here. You know, it would be stupid to write him off or suggest that he can’t win the event or won’t win the event. Definitely possible that he could do that.

